Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Late position hands versus a raise and reraise

Everyone agrees that no matter what you position, if action gets raised and reraised in front of you preflop, you get supertight and play only the absolute best hands, or fold. The universally agreed upon standard is to only play AA, KK, QQ, AKs and AKo, and to cap the betting with a 3rd raise if you can. Some will advocate playing JJ here as well, and maybe even to reraise wth AQs.

The Maverick profile is super loose with pairs by these standards, cold calling 3 bets with as little as 99 and capping with JJ and up, though it won't play any non-pair other than AKs and AKo. For my trials, due to the lengthy period of time it takes Turbo Texas Hold'Em to run 100,000 raised and reraised trials, I will only run trials for a small handful of hands, with the button locked one seat to the left of the trial player, with obviously AA and KK excluded since we know these hands still thrive against 3 preflop bets.

PairsNet $

As expected, QQ was profitable, with JJ and TT posting losses. The surprise is that AKs showed only a slight profit, with AKo posting a huge loss! Perhaps the high rake of 3/6 kills the profitability of AK.

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